Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam
24 June 2024

Strawberry, one of the most delicious products of early summer, is one of the most popular fruits with its smell and taste. This fruit, which is often included in desserts, is also used in making jams and drinks. Strawberry, which gives people happiness with its cute outlook, cleanses the body from toxins thanks to its antioxidant properties. It purifies the blood while strengthening the immune system. It is also effective in eliminating problems such as stress and insomnia with its calming effect. This time we use strawberries, whose benefits are countless, in jam-making. We have a delicious recipe that will enhance the breakfast table. Well, how to make strawberry jam? Let's take a look at the homemade strawberry jam recipe with step-by-step instructions and tips.

How Many Calories in 1 Jar of Strawberry Jam?

1 teaspoon of strawberry jam is 5 calories, and a serving is only 105 calories. Diabetics are recommended to consume in moderation.

How Many Minutes to Boil Strawberry Jam?

Strawberry jam, which is often made in May and June, is kept overnight with sugar. After the strawberry jam is put into the pot, it should be boiled for a maximum of 25 minutes. However, this rate may vary depending on how much jam will be made. Therefore, it should be checked to understand its consistency. If your jam remains too watery, you can cook it for a few more minutes to thicken it.

Is Water Added When Making Strawberry Jam?

For the strawberry jam to have a watery consistency, cleaned strawberries are taken into the pot the night before. Add granulated sugar to it and leave it overnight with the lid closed. The next day, the strawberry jam will have released its juice and can be cooked without adding any water. However, in some cases, if the strawberry juice is not enough, it may be necessary to add water. However, the amount of water to be added should not exceed 1 cup.

How to Preserve Strawberry Jam?

Strawberry jam has a very long shelf life if stored under the right conditions. It should be filled into sterile glass jars while it is still hot. The jars should be closed airtight and turned upside down. In this way, the vacuuming process is done. Strawberry jam should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry environment away from sunlight. The inside of kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, and pantries is very suitable for storing strawberry jam. 

What Should We Do To Prevent Strawberry Jam From Darkening?

First of all, the pot in which you will boil the strawberry jam should be deep and wide. It is very important not to close the pot lid during cooking, to prepare the jam with fresh and ripe fruits, and not to use metal spoons during cooking. In this way, your jam will not darken.

How to Make Strawberry Jam Glossy?

For the strawberry jam to have a bright and pleasant color, be sure to remove the foam that forms in the pot during cooking with the help of a colander. After removing all the foam, adding 1 teaspoon of butter near the end of the cooking process will help the strawberry jam shine and last longer. 

Prep Time : 30 mins
Cook time : 40 mins
Servings : 10 People
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Strawberry Jam


  • 1 kg of strawberries
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • Juice of half a lemon or 1 teaspoon lemon salt
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
Strawberry Jam


  1. First, cut the stems of the strawberries. Put the strawberries in a deep bowl and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Refrigerate for at least 5–6 hours or overnight.
  2. Then put the strawberries with granulated sugar in a pot. Bring to a boil over medium heat. After boiling, reduce the heat, add butter, and cook for 30-35 minutes.
  3. Add lemon juice or lemon salt. After boiling for another 2-3 minutes, portion the jam into jars.
  4. After it cools down, close the lid tightly and store it in a place out of the sun. Bon appetit!
Serving Suggestions
  • You can serve strawberry jam on pancakes or crepes.
  • You can also serve it on your cakes and pies and top of your ice cream.
Expert Tips
  • Make sure that the strawberries you will use in making jam are aromatic and small.
  • Keeping the strawberries and sugar in the pot overnight makes the jam richer.
  • To prevent the jam from sugaring later, be sure to remove the foam that forms on top during cooking.
  • When the jam starts to boil, adding 2 teaspoons of butter will make it foam less.
  • Be sure to taste the strawberries you will use in the recipe. You can adjust the sugar accordingly.
  • If you want your jam to have a thicker consistency, you can extend the boiling time on low heat a little longer.

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