Spanish Omelette

Spanish Omelette
24 June 2024

A type of omelet, unique to Spanish cuisine, it is also known as 'Tortilla de Patata'. Ingredients such as tortilla bread, potatoes, peppers, and parsley are usually used in its recipe. The Spanish omelet, which is a very nutritious recipe and one of the favorite breakfast delicacies of Spanish cuisine, comes from Zeyta's chef, Aleyna Akçay.

How Many Calories in 1 Serving of Spanish Omelet?
One serving of Spanish omelet is approximately 125 calories.

Prep Time : 15 mins
Cook time : 10 mins
Servings : 6 People
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Spanish Omelette


  • 6 eggs
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 dry onion
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • Parsley (finely chopped)
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
Spanish Omelette


  1. After cutting the potatoes into thin and round pieces, fry them in the preheated oil. Then fry the onion in it as well.
  2. Put the egg, salt, and pepper in a bowl and whisk, then add it to the onion and potato to cover the whole pan.
  3. After cooking both sides well, add the parsley and serve. Bon appetit!
Expert Tips
  • Cook the potatoes with the eggs over low heat. Make sure that no egg liquid is left uncooked.
  • To caramelize the onions, you can add a pinch of brown sugar to the olive oil.
  • You can enrich the omelet by adding spring onions and seasonings.

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