Prep Time : 20 mins
Cook time : 30 mins
Servings : 4 People
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A traditional dish of Algerian and Tunisian cuisine, Mesfouf is prepared with fine bulgur, olive oil, and chickpeas. This dish is very popular in the Maghreb, especially during Ramadan. It is also served at large family gatherings and traditional celebrations. If the ingredients are ready, we can move on to the details of the Algerian Mesfouf recipe.



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  1. Wash and soak the chickpeas in water overnight beforehand.
  2. The next day, put them in a pot, add water, and boil the chickpeas.
  3. Put the bulgur in a large bowl and add hot water. Cover it and wait for it to swell.
  4. Stir the swollen bulgur and make sure it is grainy.
  5. Then add the boiled and drained chickpeas, sesame seeds, almonds, salt, and sugar, and mix with bulgur.
  6. In a separate bowl, mix the olive oil and pomegranate molasses.
  7. Add the sauce you prepared to the thin bulgur and mix well.
  8. Place the Mesfouf on a serving plate. Serve with sliced dates and grapes on top. Enjoy your meal.

Recipe Categories

World Cuisine Recipes Rice Recipes

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