Prep Time : 20 mins
Cook time : 25 mins
Servings : 6 People
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For the dough:

For the syrup:

For frying:

For the top:


Instructions Hide Photos

  1. Boil sugar and water. Add cardamom, saffron, and lemon juice, and stir. Remove it from the stove and let it cool.
  2. Sift the flour into a large bowl. Add rice flour, yogurt, water, salt, and whisk.
  3. Refrigerate the dough overnight. The next day, when the dough doubles in size, fill it into a tip-flat piping bag and squeeze it into the hot oil in the form of a spiral.
  4. When both sides are golden brown, take them out of the oil and dip them into the syrup. Leave it for a few minutes and place it on a serving plate.
  5. Sprinkle sliced almonds on it, and serve.

Recipe Categories

Dessert Recipes World Cuisine Recipes

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